Buck Finder App analyzes trailcam images for wildlife
Buck Finder App processes trail camera images to find just those images that contain wildlife. The app filters out images that contain no wildlife so that you see just the ones that are actually interesting. Instead of clicking through 10s or 100s of images where the wind caused enough motion to trigger the trailcam, or shadows moved, let the app find just those images that actually contain wildlife in them.
Spend more time looking at images like these

And spend less time looking at images like these

Automatically Identifies Wildlife
The app automatically detects most wildlife species of interest to North American hunters and trailcam enthusiasts including deer, elk, moose, bears, turkeys, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and many more.
The app also detects images with humans or vehicles to enable quickly finding those images with unexpected visitors in them.
Counts Points Automatically
The app also counts the number of points in the antlers for any bucks. Example:

Buck (6 points)
Smith farm
This allows you to quickly see all images of bucks with more than, say, 10 points.
Try it for free!
You can upload up to 500 images for free. Try the app for free
Find Best Time of Day and Location to Hunt
The app also provides analytics to help answer questions about when and where deer are the most active.
"I can hunt Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Which time of day are deer more active on the Smith farm?"
- View images by species, location and/or time of day
- View bucks and elk bulls based on the number of points on their antlers
- Easily see where, when wildlife is most active
- Screen out those smaller deer you'll save for next year and focus on the big ones!
Small buck that's not of interest
Nicer buck that we want to know about
Buck Finder App is the way to get insights into buck activity across all of your trail cameras so that you:
- Know which areas deer are most active
- Know what time of day has the most activity
- Can pattern that big buck you've been chasing since last season
- And more
Benefits of the app
- Tired of scrolling through trailcam photos that have no wildlife in them? Use the app to show you just the images that contain wildlife of interest to you.
- Scouting for big bucks? Use the app to show you just images of bucks with more than, say, 8 points.
- Want to catch a picture of that bobcat you know is lurking around? Use the app to show you just images of bobcats.
- Easily view images that contain just the species of wildlife that are of interest to you.